I’m A Guest!

Link to original publication: “Lego” on MoonChild

While clearing out my brother’s room, we found the greatest of all toys; a big massive box of Lego. As my 15-year-old, too-cool-for-anything-that-isn’t-Xbox-or-WWE brother slouched off, muttering darkly about his dork of a sister, I dived in squealing. Because Lego is the best toy ever.

I don’t say that lightly. There are many excellent toys – Tamagotchies, Rubix Cubes, Transformers, the list goes on – but none of them even come close to Lego. And here’s why.

It’s super duper uber incredibly versatile. In one afternoon’s work playing with this:

lego 1

I made all of this:

Apart from the versatility of the toy is its aesthetic. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of raking through Lego – the feel, the noise, the seemingly thousands of blocks running over and over each other over your hands. It’s really very satisfying to take a great big jumble of sharp edges and bits with weird pictures on them and turn it into something, even if that something is going to be scrapped for parts straight away. I even found myself enjoying that most frustrating of frustrations – raking through what seemed to be an entire box of 2’s when I needed literally anything else.

Best of all, Lego makes an excellent, cheap and easily available defence mechanism. The next time you find yourself on your own in the house and jumping at shadows, sprinkle a liberal handful of Lego under all of your doors and windows and rest easy knowing that the second someone tries to break in, you’ll know all about it. Just remember to tidy up in the morning, or it could backfire…

So there you have it – Lego is the best thing there is. Don’t believe me? Go and play with some.

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